I could hardly wait to share this with you! It’s the final book cover for Love ANYWAY! Check it out on my social media today 💕📖🙌 @addiecooley & @happy_anyway if you missed the last email we sent you with it! Shout out to Harrison House & everyone who collaborated on the cover!!! All my friends and family who I texted to get feedback, THANK YOU! It was a group effort and I absolutely love it! It’s just beautiful ❤️ It will be released in April 2020. Also the Love ANYWAY course is coming! It’s been delayed but the techy brilliant brainiacs who are helping me build it are telling me it should be able to go live this week!! So stay tuned & check that out at if you think you may want to join the fun! It’s going to be such a blast to do together!!! We’ve worked super hard on it and put hours, weeks, months and actually YEARS into creating this. 🙌😊

Love ANYWAY…Think about it. How many times a day are we required to love ANYWAY? In traffic, at work, dealing with kids or parents, siblings or friends. Wait. Are we “required” to? Yes, actually if we want to be engaged in healthy fulfilling relationships. And we all do, of course.
But girl, that’s easier said than done sometimes right? We all no doubt are juggling a difficult relationship or three right now. I love what my husband says ~ We are all uniquely messed up in our own special ways! True or true?!

Here’s the truth of the matter. When we don’t get our way, we get frustrated with each other. Not a whole lot differently than when we were five years old all too often. {If we are being honest about it!} Just instead of crying to our Mommy, as adults we whine to a friend or we yell at each other or avoid each other. But I love the verse that basically says, Ok Big baby, Grow up! Graduate from the milk of the Word & feed yourself the meat of the Word. That was my very lose translation of that passage but seriously. I amaze myself sometimes. Just the other day I got so frustrated with someone I love dearly & before long (I wish this weren’t true) but we were going at it. 😳 Of course I could write this blog as if I’ve got it all together & am the expert who has arrived. But I just haven’t. It’s not like Check ✔️ I’m happy ANYWAY all the time & I love ANYWAY in every situation. I wish!!! The Bible tells us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. And you better believe I’m still working it out…just like you are! But I can tell you this….the truths in Love ANYWAY have sure begun to transform my life in huge ways and I know it will yours too. When life squeezes ya, what’s in you comes out and the more we fill ourselves with His love the more fail proof our life is. But when we love imperfectly, thank God for mercy. And the best news is this: if we sow mercy we will reap it when we need it.

I’ll be sharing some fun things from the book and the course in the coming blogs. I do hope you will consider signing up for the course that will hopefully be launching this week ~ just in time for the holidays!!!! A friend told me, “Hey, that’s perfect timing to do a Love ANYWAY course because the holidays can be the perfect time as many work through difficult times with family.” Maybe this blog alone will help things not get under your skin so easily this week but instead empower you to shake things off and love ANYWAY more easily.

Best news about the course is that it was valued at $125 but I wanted to price it at half price at $59. But then my heart got the best of me and I just really want everyone who would like to be able to take this course in order to get their relationships right to be able to sooooooo it’s now only $39.99!!!!! If enough people will join the course it will pay fir itself so I’m praying that everyone who needs it will love themselves enough to invest in themselves….like I did in myself to study all this & then pass it along to you! There are hours of videos and gazoodles of tools and valuable info plus a private fb community you will be able to join. I’m praying for lifetime friendships to be birthed out of this course & lives to be transformed. I hope to see you in the course this week!!!!

Register here:

Happy Thanksgiving 🍁 & while you’re with family this week I hope the phrase “Love ANYWAY” will ring in your head helping you to do just that. Love NEVER fails! I can’t wait to hear testimonies of how this was the best Thanksgiving ever due to your Love ANYWAY mindset ❤️ 1 Corinthians 13

Happy Monday!
🍂 🦃 🍽🍁